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Patient rights and responsibilities

  • Patients & Visitors
  • Patients
  • Patient Rights and Responsibilities

As a patient in New York state, you have the right, consistent with law, to:

  • Understand and use these rights. If for any reason you do not understand or you need help, the hospital MUST provide assistance, including an interpreter.
  • Receive treatment without discrimination as to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age or source of payment.
  • Receive considerate and respectful care in a clean and safe environment free of unnecessary restraints.
  • Receive emergency care if you need it.
  • Be informed of the name and position of the doctor who will be in charge of your care in the hospital.
  • Know the names, positions and functions of any hospital staff involved in your care and refuse their treatment, examination or observation.
  • Identify a caregiver who will be included in your discharge planning and sharing of post-discharge care information or instruction.
  • Receive complete information about your diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
  • Receive all the information that you need to give informed consent for any proposed procedure or treatment. This information shall include the possible risks and benefits of the procedure or treatment.
  • Receive all the information you need to give informed consent for an order not to resuscitate. You also have the right to designate an individual to give this consent for you if you are too ill to do so. If you would like additional information, please ask for a copy of the pamphlet "Deciding About Health Care - A Guide for Patients and Families."
  • Refuse treatment and be told what effect this may have on your health.
  • Refuse to take part in research. In deciding whether or not to participate, you have the right to a full explanation.
  • Privacy while in the hospital and confidentiality of all information and records regarding your care.
  • Participate in all decisions about your treatment and discharge from the hospital. The hospital must provide you with a written discharge plan and written description of how you can appeal your discharge.
  • Review your medical record without charge and, obtain a copy of your medical record for which the hospital can charge a reasonable fee. You cannot be denied a copy solely because you cannot afford to pay.
  • Receive an itemized bill and explanation of all charges.
  • View a list of the hospital's standard charges for items and services and the health plans the hospital participates with.
  • Challenge an unexpected bill through the Independent Dispute Resolution process.
  • Complain without fear of reprisals about the care and services you are receiving and to have the hospital respond to you and if you request it, a written response. If you are not satisfied with the hospital's response, you can complain to the New York State Health Department. The hospital must provide you with the State Health Department telephone number.
  • Authorize those family members and other adults who will be given priority to visit consistent with your ability to receive visitors.
  • Make known your wishes in regard to anatomical gifts. Persons 16 years of age or older may document their consent to donate their organs, eyes and/or tissues, upon their death, by enrolling in the NYS Donate Life Registry or by documenting their authorization for organ and/or tissue donation in writing in a number of ways (such as a health care proxy, will, donor card, or other signed paper). The healthcare proxy is available from the hospital.

White Plains Hospital needs your cooperation to ensure that efficient, safe and considerate care is available to all.

  • Provide, to the best of your ability, accurate and complete information about your present condition, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications including vitamins, minerals, herbals, both prescription and non-prescription, nutritional supplements, and other matters related to your health or your child’s, including information about home and/or work that may impact your ability to follow the proposed treatment.
  • Follow the treatment plan developed with your provider which may include instructions from nurses and other healthcare personnel. You should express any concerns about your ability to comply with a proposed course of treatment.
  • Ask questions if you do not understand or need additional information. You are responsible for the outcomes if you refuse treatment or do not follow your care provider’s instructions.
  • Report any unexpected changes in condition, including pain, to the responsible medical care provider.
  • Be considerate and show respect for the rights of other patients, Hospital personnel and their property. Abusive, threatening, or inappropriate language or behavior will not be tolerated.
  • Be prompt in paying your bills, providing information for insurance processing and asking questions concerning your bill.
  • Give us any healthcare proxy or other legal document, such as power of attorney or court order that may affect your decision-making ability or care.
  • The following items and behaviors are prohibited: alcoholic beverages; disruptive or violent behavior; smoking; street drugs; weapons.
  • Patients and families are responsible for the loss or damage to any articles or personal property. This includes, but is not limited to, glasses, hearing aids, dentures, jewelry, and electronic equipment including cell phones and tablets retained by the patient in his/her room that have monetary value. Personal belongings of monetary value should be sent home by the patient family or caregiver, otherwise they can be placed with Security for safekeeping in facilities provided by White Plains Hospital.

The staff at White Plains Hospital is dedicated to helping you get well and stay well. If you feel you have not been treated fairly or properly, you have the right, as well as the responsibility, to discuss this with the physician, the Patient Advocacy Department, and/or hospital management. You also have the right to voice complaints with the New York state Department of Health’s office.