What's in your e-cigarette?
E-cigarettes, also called vapes, aren't without risks. They can contain substances that may be unsafe.
E-cigs are filled with more than flavor
Benzene, a chemical found naturally in gasoline and known to raise the risk of leukemia.
Diacetyl, a chemical flavoring linked to a serious disease known as popcorn lung.
Heavy metals, such as nickel, tin and lead.
Nicotine, an addictive drug that can harm the brains of kids and young adults.
Other cancer-causing chemicals, such as formaldehyde.
Propylene glycol, a food additive also used to make antifreeze and paint solvent.
Ultrafine particles, which can be inhaled deeply into the lungs, harming your health.
Sources: American Cancer Society; American Lung Association; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; Smokefree.gov;
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Reviewed 10/10/2023
- American Cancer Society. "Benzene and Cancer Risk." https://www.cancer.org/healthy/cancer-causes/chemicals/benzene.html.
- American Lung Association. "What's in an E-cigarette?" https://www.lung.org/quit-smoking/e-cigarettes-vaping/whats-in-an-e-cigarette.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Quick Facts on the Risks of E-cigarettes for Kids, Teens, and Young Adults." https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/basic_information/e-cigarettes/Quick-Facts-on-the-Risks-of-E-cigarettes-for-Kids-Teens-and-Young-Adults.html.
- NCQA. "Medical Assistance with Smoking and Tobacco." https://www.ncqa.org/hedis/measures/medical-assistance-with-smoking-and-tobacco-use-cessation/.
- SmokeFree.gov. "What We Know About Electronic Cigarettes." https://smokefree.gov/quit-smoking/ecigs-menthol-dip/ecigs.