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Tips for avoiding basketball injuries

Following some safety rules can keep your games pain-free.

Basketball is a great form of exercise. But it's also a common cause of injury.

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons offers the following tips for avoiding basketball injuries:

  • Take time to warm up and stretch before you begin a game.
  • Use shoes that fit snugly, offer support and have soles that prevent skidding.
  • Wear knee and elbow pads.
  • Use a mouth guard.
  • Use safety glass or glass guards to protect prescription glasses.
  • Take off any jewelry, and discard any gum.
  • Keep the courts free of debris and other hazards.
  • If outdoors, avoid playing in extreme weather.
  • Make sure that the court boundaries are not too close to structures such as walls and bleachers and that goal posts and the walls behind them are padded.
  • Know how to contact medical personnel in case of an emergency.

Reviewed 3/13/2024

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