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Is your job stressing you out?

Reviewed 4/18/2024

Manage stress at work

Almost everyone stresses about their job once in a while. But if stress is a constant part of your work routine, it's time to take action. Over time, too much stress on the job can make you less happy, less healthy and less productive.

The following strategies can help you manage work stress and feel more in control over this part of your life.

1. Reach out for support.

Talking to a friend or loved one may make a stressful day better.

It also may be helpful to talk to your supervisor. Speaking up in a tactful way might help you get the extra support you need to reduce your stress.

2. Seek balance.

Balancing your job and your personal life can be stressful if the lines between them become blurred. It's healthy to establish limits for when you're available to answer emails, texts or calls outside of work hours. Making sure you're not overscheduled outside of work can also help you stay balanced and productive.

3. Control what you can.

Some causes of work stress may be beyond your control. So it's important to identify the stressful aspects of your job that you can do something about. For example, do you struggle with clutter? Take a few minutes to organize your workstation so you can be more focused. Having trouble with time management? Make a list of tasks you must complete and start on the most urgent one first.

4. Rest and recharge.

Take breaks throughout the day and, if possible, when you feel stress coming on. Stress may be easier to handle after a break. Also, take time off from work, if you can, to avoid feeling burned out by your job; regular vacations may help you feel rested and recharged.

5. Be good to your body and mind.

Taking care of yourself may help you get through stressful days better. Try these tried-and-true tips:

  • Aim to get 7 or more hours of nightly sleep.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Make time for hobbies.
  • Feed your body healthy fuel.
Tip: Skip the alcohol. Drinking can end up adding more stress to your life.

6. Seek positivity.

When you can't avoid work stress, try to change your reaction to it. For example, try to embrace changes as positive challenges and look at new job responsibilities as growth opportunities.

Also, do your best to avoid negativity, like grumpy co-workers who are always complaining.

Tip: If conflict with your co-worker or boss is the cause of your stress, look for ways to compromise.


Could you be doing more to manage stress?


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